Whelp I have not hunted with a Bow and Arrow since suffering that massive heart attack three years ago…….. and now I`ve decided give `er hell and have a go at it.
I`m an old-school Bow Hunter that for the life of me, I cannot get comfortable using a Bow Release, as I have always shot with my fingers. So I dug out my very first Compound Bow that I ever bought in 1982 when I was 19 years old! This relic of a Bow, has not seen daylight in over 30 years!

Talk about waking up a Dinosaur! Anybody that knows me, knows that I truly dig old, vintage things in general. Well this is definitely a “blast from my past”…….

It is in outstanding condition and has a 70lb pull-weight…….. And I do believe I will kill a buck or two with it this season……..37 years later! Hope you enjoy this little video –