This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of taking Matt, aka “Berserker” as he goes by on, quail hunting with my buddy Curt and I down in the Pine Barrens.
I always enjoy hunting with someone like Matt, as he truly loves the comradery that comes with hunting.
He was a heck of a nice young fella and a great shot to boot!

That`s an action shot of Matt shooting his 1st quail of the morning!
This was his first time ever quail hunting and we were hoping to get him plenty of action. While we didn`t get into as many birds as we usually do, Matt certainly got a few chances to crack a few of those tasty quail.

So without any further ado, here is Matt aka “Berserker” showing you how it`s done in a Video I shot of the day`s adventure down in the Pine Barrens last Saturday;

I do believe this enthusiastic hunter did indeed enjoy his Quail Hunting Adventure last Saturday. To me that`s what it`s all about,…… Sharing experiences and making new friends along the way……
Till next time…..
Such a great time Ken thanks! So… when are we going again???