After talking about getting a new kayak for Sharon and honing in on(and eliminating) a few different ones at some local stores, I decided to take a run to Dick`s where I bought my `Yak last year. I really like buying at Dick`s as the sales assistants in the outdoor department are always very helpful and give good solid advice.

Sharon and I, discussed a “sit-on-top” vs. a “sit-in” type of kayak and she opted for the “sit-in” as we both felt it would offer her a little more stability(and she wouldn`t get as wet! Very important factor! ha! ha!)
We loaded up the `Yaks and headed over to Spruce Run on Sunday to give it a go in her new kayak.

I helped her get all set, she jumped in and away she went!

After paddlin` out and about on Spruce Run for a few hours, Sharon suggested that we head home, grab a bite and make our way over to Merrill Creek.
(However, she also had another “motive” other than just feedin` Ken…… bring a “guest” with her to Merrill Creek! ha! ha!)

Turn up your speakers and enjoy this fun little Video of the day`s adventure in the `Yaks;
We really had a wonderful day in the kayaks on Sunday and I`m looking to many more fun future Adventures with my new kayakin` side-kick and the most awesome, sweetest girlfriend a guy could ever have!