NJ Winter Deer Hunting – Snow + Does = Ken Beam Filling his Freezer |My 1st GoPRO Video

NJ Winter Deer Hunting is something that I have always enjoyed doing and today should be good I thought to myself as I strategically put on my layers of hunting clothing this afternoon. I then grabbed my faithful old 1960 Browning Light Twelve Gauge Shotgun, a box of Triple-O Buckshot and my GoPRO Camera, jumped in my truck & headed out and about on this rather cold last day of January 2015.
Not sure why I like to be out in the cold air, but I certainly do. Today was a “balmy” 23 degrees this afternoon with a wind-chill that made it feel like 6 degrees in the brisk artic-like air.
 Perhaps I was so excited to be using my new GoPRO Camera that Sharon got me for Christmas, that I was even a little more oblivious to the chilly air than usual.
I got to my stand at 2:30 and planned on staying till dark, as the days are a bit longer now, I would be able
to have shooting light till at least 5:30-5:40pm.
I sat my GoPRO Camera up and turned it on at around 3pm and left it on record the entire time I was in my stand this afternoon.
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I didn`t have any deer activity until around 5:15pm………. Then things got interesting. A young “Button-Buck” appeared from my left and meandered about below me nibbling at the corn and rooting around in the tulip bulbs
The GOPRO captured the rest of today`s adventure very nicely! Turn up your speakers & enjoy the show!
Thanks for watching.