“Fishing in New Jersey. One of my favorite pastimes.
Nothin` like being on a river somewhere in NJ at the crack of dawn!”
There are so many awesome types of fishing to do in New Jersey. Mostly I freshwater fish but occasionally we`ll take my small boat down to Atlantic Highlands to fish for fluke in the bay. Here`s a clip of Sharon, my good friend Curt & myself enjoyin` a nice day of fluke fishin`
Fly-fishing on the Musconetcong River…….. What a relaxin` way to spend a evening in the Summer and that`s exactly what I enjoy doin`.
Watch me have a fun evening fishin` down on the Musky in the clip below.
Anyone out there up for a little eel fishin`?! Now this is another type of fishin` that I enjoy doin` on those hot muggy Summer nights.
Eels are absolutely delicious too! Sharon will fry `em up for me & sometimes I take
`em to work for my lunch & eat `em cold!
Watch the video below of me on the river one night catchin` some eels & tellin` a story or two.
You know what they say….

I saw your video for eel fishing.
It’s amazing!
I am planing to go to eel fishing on Delaware River this month.
Would you tell me where you caught those eels in your video?
or would you suggest me any place for eel fishing?
Address maybe??
Thanks for your video, it inspire me great motivation.
Hiya Hae – Thanks for checkin` out the Eel Fishin` Video, I`m glad you liked it. Ya know anywhere is great eel fishing along the Delaware River, but that particular night that the Video was shot wasn`t at the Delaware River. It was actually at the Musconetcong River which is very close to our house. Here is a Google Map that`ll put you right smack where I was that night; https://www.google.com/maps/place/40%C2%B045'59.4%22N+74%C2%B054'38.7%22W/@40.76651,-74.91075,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en
**See where the road crosses over the Musconetcong River? That`s the Bridge where I fished – on the down-river side of the Bridge. Get some dead shiners, liver or worms, bring a lantern and set right up along the river bank and you`ll catch eels! Heck even after a heavy rain, if the water is real muddy….. I mean “chocolate-muddy” you can fish right there in the daytime and catch those eels. Good luck and let me know how you do! Ken-
Watched your video’s on fishing and eel fishing ,very good and enjoyed them. hope to see you again at the lake. it was good talking to you.
Thanks Emory……Glad you enjoyed my site. I`m sure I`ll see ya again when I`m out & about! Thanks again! Ken-